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Do you know where your food comes from?



               A thriving agriculture industry is not just an economic consideration. We live in a complex world where things like conservation, healthsafety, environment and food production intersect like they never have before. Like many social causes that we never thought about a generation ago, food production and related issues are matters that concern us all and need to be addressed

At Ag for Life we believe food literacy and safety are keys to the growth of a strong sustainable agriculture sector, which in turn is key to feeding a hungry world, enhancing health and nutrition and ensuring proper stewardship of the land.

Agriculture is not just another sector of the economy.

There are things we could live without; food is not one of them! 

These are a few of the questions that need answers. In order to begin to address these issues there must be a concerted effort to elevate the understanding of agriculture and food production. Agriculture connects all aspects of our lives, and that is why Agriculture for Life (Ag for Life) exists. 

Founded in 2011, Ag for Life delivers impactful educational programs and awareness raising activities that have been designed to inspire, empower and connect students of all ages to the "culture" of agriculture. 

Join us as we explore the journey from gate to plate. #AgforLife


    At issue for us as a nation is finding

    answers to questions such as:

  • How can we sustainably grow more food while reducing our environmental footprint?

  • How can we grow and produce food that is nutritious, affordable, culturally relevant and accessible to all?

  • How do we promote agriculture as a career choice so the industry remains vibrant and can meet the many challenges and opportunities ahead, and;

  • How can we help keep farmers and their families safe while growing our food?

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