Have you ever wanted your very own cow? This paper cow may not be exactly like the real thing, but hey---a paper cow is better than no cow at all! Try out this simple origami craft to create a cute cow friend for your home.

Googly eyes

Cut out long strips of paper around 1 cm wide.

2.Colour the strips of paper with a black marker to make cow spots.

3. Overlap 4 of the long strips of paper at the centre with the spots facing the table, so that the strips look like spokes on a wheel. Glue together at the centre where they overlap.

4. Bend the strips so that the ends of the same strip touch and form a circle. Glue the ends together. Do this for each strip of paper to form a sphere.

5. Repeat steps 3-4, making sure to use slightly shorter strips of paper. This will form the head. Glue the two spheres together with the smaller one on top.

6. Cut out small pieces of paper for ears, horns, a snout, arms, and legs. Use glue to attach these pieces to the cow. Add googly eyes.
Voila! You now have your very own paper cow. Make a few and you've got yourself a herd!
Let us know if you tried out this craft yourself, we love receiving peoples arts and crafts via social media!