Grant Stream 1
Improve Awareness of Agriculture and Agri-food Related Careers
Program Objectives
The objectives of this grant program are to:
Increase public and job seeker awareness of the agriculture and agri-food processing sectors.
Promote agriculture and agri-food processing sectors awareness; including social media campaigns focused on highlighting the career opportunities in the sector.
Promote specific job opportunities with individual Alberta-based companies.
80/20 cost share: Provide grants to industry of 80% of eligible expenses incurred, to a maximum of $40,000 per Applicant.
Clients may apply for funding more than one time, however not for the same work. Each application must show a different strategy or intended outcome.
Projects must be completed by February 14, 2025.
Clients will receive up to 40% of the funding amount upon acceptance of the approved application.
Clients will be reimbursed based on completion of the project and scope of work within the project timelines, and paid invoices supplied to Agriculture for Life, Inc., less any funds advanced at the start of the project.
How to Apply
Step 1: Determine whether you are eligible by reviewing the following important documents:
Program Overview
Essential Tips You Shouldn't Miss
Terms and Conditions
Step 2: Complete and sign the Application Form
Step 3: Submit the Application Form and supporting documentation to: grants@agricultureforlife.ca
Unsure if you can apply? Contact us via email at grants@agricultureforlife.ca