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At Ag for Life, we value building a greater understanding and appreciation of agriculture and its fundamental connection to life. We are dedicated to connecting all Albertans to agriculture, from farm to fork, and celebrating the hard work of farmers who steward the land and livestock. From curriculum to careers, we are committed to GROWING a sustainable, bright and prosperous FUTURE for all.

Bringing Agriculture to Life.

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Food Security - Feeding the World

For Erica Thew, a fourth-generation farmer on her family’s grain farm near Hussar, Alberta, farming is in her blood. Before she was even born, her rural roots began with her family and their dedication to feeding a hungry world.

Garden Soil

Technology & Innovation

How are advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, robotics, autonomous vehicles and blockchain transforming the agricultural industry? We had a visit with Lakeland College to find out. 

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Garden Soil

Net Zero - Agriculture & the Environment

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What pathways will lead towards a low-carbon and resilient agriculture sector? We had a tour at Sunterra Greenhouse to learn more about Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) and its role in sustainable agriculture.

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the most commonly used name for a group of horses is a herd (8).png


The Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council (CAHRC) predicts 50,000 agriculture and food jobs will have to be filled in the next few years.

So what kind of careers are out there? We interviewed agriculture professionals to learn more about the roles they play in helping feed the world. 


Ag 101 Shorts

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As the voice of Agriculture in the Classroom Alberta, Ag for Life provides factual, balanced, curriculum-linked agriculture and food literacy programs and resources to Alberta's educators and students.

We are Agriculture in the Classroom AB

Globally, 13 of all food produced for human consumption is wasted. (56).png

Plant the Seeds for Success

Looking for curriculum-linked lessons and activities for your students?

Get unlimited access to hundreds of FREE educational resources and activities from across Canada! 

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Founding Members

Thank you to our generous supporters for helping us bring agriculture to life in classrooms and communities across Alberta. Through the support of our partners, we are able to deliver curriculum-based learning tools, teaching resources, events and activities to connect teachers and students to agriculture, food, and farm safety with the ultimate goal of advancing agriculture literacy among the next generation


Agriculture for Life Mailing Address

32 Priddis Creek Drive

Foothills, AB

T0L 1W2


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Charity BN/Registration # 845824507RR0001.

2011 - 2024 Agriculture for Life, Inc.

All rights reserved.



AITC-AB is a proud member of AITC-Canada. Along with 9 other provincial teams we are delivering educational programs and resources that engage, empower, and inspire students to care about food and the people who produce it.

Learn more at

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